Turn your Scottish free range egg into delicious pancakes!

Scottish free range egg


How do you like your eggs in the morning? Personally we think you can’t go wrong with the classic scrambled eggs on toast, however another one of our favourite ways to use our Scottish free range egg is in Scotch pancakes! For all those with a sweet tooth this is the perfect way to use our free range eggs and kick start your day with a tasty breakfast. The Buccleuch and Queensberry Arms Hotel in Thornhill use only Nith Valley Scottish free range eggs for their hotel guests and the scotch pancakes are a definite favourite. Here is the winning recipe from Will Pottinger, the Head Chef at the Hotel, for you to try out!



For this recipe you will need;

  • 50g caster sugar
  • 100g flour (plain or self-raising)
  • 1 Scottish free range egg
  • Dash of milk


  1. Sieve the flour into a bowl and add the sugar.
  2. Add the egg to the mixture and whisk together.
  3. Gradually add small amounts of milk to the mix. The texture that you are aiming for is a smooth batter of similar thickness to double cream. It needs to be fairly thick and lump free! (you won’t need very much milk to get there)
  4. Grease a thick based frying pan with oil and heat the pan.
  5. Once the frying pan is hot, add in some of the batter.
  6. Pancakes are a quick and tasty breakfast to make, they should only take around 2 minutes to cook. Once they start bubbling on the surface they are ready to be flipped. You are aiming for a deliciously golden brown colour.
  7. Remove from the pan and start the process all over again for a scrumptious stack of Scottish free range egg pancakes. Serve as we have, with fresh Scottish raspberries or other fresh fruit of your choice, or even a fruit compote! 
  8. Dust with icing sugar for extra added sweetness!

The first pancake never comes out perfect so don’t panic! Use this one as a tester to judge what to do slightly differently for the next one! Visit one of our vending machines to pick up your own Scottish free range egg!